Παρασκευή, 23 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Δημοσίευση από ROUT

The Non-Profit Organization “Rodopi Ultra Trail” announces the organization of the Rodopi Challenge 50 miles race on April 25th, 2015, at the area of Rodopi Mountain Range.  It is the fourth organization of the 50 miles race, which was held on October of 2010 for the first time, and after a 2 years stop it resurfaced on August 2013, in the form of a race criterion for participating in ROUT 100 miles Advendurun.

Rodopi Challenge 50 miles (ROC) is an independent sports event, aiming to create an introductory ultra-trail race but also to familiarize the athletes with the style and the philosophy of ROUT, keeping common characteristics with it.  All the details of the race are mentioned in the RULES of the RACE here.

Registrations are open from Friday, January 16th, at 22.00, until Sunday, March 15th, through the website of the organization:

The payment period for the approved applications starts on Monday February 12th and ends on Monday March 16th. Payment must be made through the organization’s bank account.  Each approval email will include full information for the payment of the participation fee.  Each athlete of athletes participating must write their names on the deposit slip.

ROC will continue to be a criterion for ROUT, as it meets the conditions set by the organization for the 100 miles race (at least 50 miles length) with a time limit of finishing within 17 hours (only for the criterion).  Also, the race, after its official measurement, will be stated to other organizations (UTMB etc) so it can be utilized by its athletes for races abroad.

Clarifications and answers to questions will be given after contacting the address:

Orestini- Xanthi, January 09, 2015

The Steering Committee

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